Basil Rathbone & Marion Clare at Malibou Lake
filming "Make a Wish" in 1937 
"Hollywood at Malibou Lake"
is a fabulous compilation of movies and
television shows shot at Malibou Lake
from 1930 to the present day.
This brisk moving collection of clips that residents of Malibou Lake, Lakeside and anyone who loves the area is sure to enjoy!

It's now available for the first time as a special "thank you" to donors to Lakeside's fundraising campaign to help beautify the historic Lakeside Community Center lot and preserve it for future generations. Anyone donating $100 to the campaign will receive a complimentary DVD.

There are two versions of the collection on each DVD. The full 36 minute version and a five minute "teaser". 

The clips include such notables as:  Charlie Chaplin, Claudette Colbert, Diane Lane, Buster Crabbe, Betty Grable, Naomi Watts, Basil Rathbone, Annette Funicello, Billy Crystal,
W.C. Fields, Henry Fonda, Maureen O'Hara, Mickey Rooney,  Ed O'Neill, Bruce Willis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Steve Carrell, Lloyd Bridges, Bette Davis, Amy Poehler and The Little Rascals

And such well-known films as:  "All Quiet on the Western Front", "Frankenstein", "The Great Dictator", "Must Love Dogs", "The Ring", "A Walk in the Sun" & many more  And from TV:  "The Office", "Twin Peaks", "The Fugitive", "Criminal Minds", "Parks & Recreation" and "Modern Family".
Get your copy today
by donating to the Malibu Lakeside Community Association

Send checks to Pat Henkel, President
1755 Lookout Drive  Agoura, CA  91301
You can use PayPal to help save the Community Center Lot.

1. Go to
2. Click "Send & Request" in top menu
3. Click "Send Money to Friends" and enter: as the recipient. 

Fast & Easy!   Thanks!
Malibou Lake"